Cost effective and accessible, group therapy brings certain advantages over individual therapy - connection, acceptance, wisdom, and healing can be found in the group. We'll soon be launching a 12 week depression group followed by a sexual addiction group and a relapse prevention group.
At Liberating Counseling we use therapies that are trans-diagnostic and integrative. What does that mean? They are proven effective with a broad range of clinical issues. Depending on the needs of the client, individual therapy can be as short as 3-4 sessions or as long as 50 or more. We'll work with you to develop a treatment plan that works to help you build a life worth living. We offer sliding scale fees.
Mood and anxiety issues are all too common and rob many of us of the joys of a full and vital life. Using the latest developments in therapy Ashlenn and Hamilton can help you to feel better while giving you the tools to stay connected with what matters most in your life even when difficulties arise.
Detox and support group meetings are often insufficient for lasting sobriety and recovery. Hamilton's primary passion is helping individuals find liberty from the chains of addiction. Applying an integrative approach he can help you establish healthy sobriety while addressing underlying emotional, cognitive, and relational issues fueling the addiction. For those with established sobriety, he can apply the latest in relapse prevention therapies to keep your sobriety intact.